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1. How to identify a good quality Desiccated Coconut?

A good quality Desiccated Coconut should be white in colour, reasonably free from yellow specks, black spots and other discolourations. It should have sweet aroma of coconut, mild characteristic of coconut without rancid and even particle size distribution.

2. What are black spots in Desiccated Coconut?

Back spots are foreign materials found in Desiccated Coconut. These foreign materials are primarily the grated and dried coconut skin, which had gone through the cutting and drying processes together with the white coconut meat. There is no perfect, error margin is allowable at not more than 4 pieces of black spots in 100 g of dessicated coconut is acceptable.

3. Low fat or high fat Desiccated Coconut?

The value of Desiccated Coconut lies at the fat content. Desiccated Coconut is categorized into full fat (high fat) or reduced fat (low fat). A full fat Desiccated Coconut has a minimum of 60% fat, any lesser is a reduced fat Desiccated Coconut. Full fat Desiccated Coconut has higher monetary value than the reduced fat. In the past, coconut fat or coconut oil has been mistakenly believed for causing heart disease. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which have been taking the blame for problems caused by trans fats.

4. Applications of Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut is ideal for use as fillers, toppings and as ingredients, especially in the baking of biscuits, snack bars, cakes, cookies and so on.

Thien Hung International Co., Ltd | All rights reserved
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